Masari Sarizawa
Rumor has it this gym teacher is more than what she appears to be on the surface. A few unlucky students have ocassionally found themselves walking home with a sore ass and leaking cum for hours. Sarizawa will sieze any oppurtunity she can to rape her students. Alone in the infirmary, or in the storage room, as long as shes got a locked door, theres no one leaving unfucked. Sarizawa prefers to roughly pound her students, wrapping an arm around the necks of the more resistant ones, whispering sweet threats into their ears while she takes them from behind. Once she starts, there is no stopping until she is done. Age and gender does not matter to her. In her eyes, all her students are just easy pickings. Mean and aggressive in bed, many students look at Sarizawa with fear in their eyes. She will not retire until every student in her career is pregnant by her hand. (This character is a futanari gym teacher by default. Based on a doujin protaganist of the same premise.)
- 上載者
- TypeVampire
- 下載數
- 1357
- 上傳日期
- 12/30/2023 12:30:56 PM
- 性別
- 女
- 性格
- Tomboy
- 遊戲種類
- 本體
- Contains modded content
- Yes
- Author history
- - [Unknown] - paul99 - Anonymous - Melty