Misaki Yotsuya
あらすじ 近所の住人にハメ尽くされる人妻の話 平凡な主婦生活を送っていた四谷 美咲(よつや みさき)に突然ラブレターが届く。 主婦になって数年、退屈な日常を過ごしてきた美咲は、ほんの少しの興味と気の迷いで ラブレターに記された場所へと向かってしまう。 そこで待っていたのは近所に住む小滝 将太(こたき しょうた)。 美咲は将太の情熱と勢いに対応は甘くなり、後戻りできない状況へと流されてゆく。 Synopsis The story of a married woman who is exhausted by the residents of the neighborhood A love letter suddenly arrives at Misaki Yotsuya, who was living an ordinary housewife life. Misaki, who has been a housewife for several years and has had a boring daily life, has a little interest in her and her hesitation. She goes to the place mentioned in the love letter. She was there and she was waiting for Shota Kotaki, who lives in the neighborhood. Misaki's response to Shota's passion and momentum becomes unsatisfactory, and she is swept away into an irreversible situation.