
Can I just say that it sucks that there no real afro options for characters? I had to use a clown nose in order to get his hair looking similar to how it did in the game and even then not well.
Well the game is
Well the game is
Unfortunately these kind of games are made for a Japanese audience so is normal that you don’t see much options for making male of different ethnicity. But I find very disappointing (koikatsu in this case but also in general) that in the game there are not so much option to customize the male characters. They have not so many kind of clothes or ways to custom their bodies. I also noticed that males tend to look too girly. And it is weird since the now defunct Illusion with games like koikatsu make boys too girly but those 3D like honey selection males just look males.
Yeah pretty much. One example of this is that male characters have a total of 20 options for tops and half of those are just variations of another. I mean hell they don't even have long sleeve shirts or god forbid turtlenecks. It honestly makes me want to learn how to model and mod so I can just create the clothing myself
I guess that developers know too well their audience and they know that they don’t care at all about male characters so they don’t creat many option and clothes for males. Fortunately there are mod communities.
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