流 镜

mods: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Aw2hewxvgP1b3VmYU1ogOFRsfIvYrCME
Aye boss some mods are apparently missing despite whats provided in the google drive
i guess you need this: https://seelevollerei-my.sharepoint.com/personal/rbq_seelevollerei_onmicrosoft_com/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Frbq%5Fseelevollerei%5Fonmicrosoft%5Fcom%2FDocuments%2F%E5%85%AC%E9%85%8D%E7%89%88%2F%E6%98%9F%E7%A9%B9%E9%93%81%E9%81%93%2F%5B%E7%BA%B8%E9%B8%A2%5D%E9%95%9C%E6%B5%81%2Erar&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Frbq%5Fseelevollerei%5Fonmicrosoft%5Fcom%2FDocuments%2F%E5%85%AC%E9%85%8D%E7%89%88%2F%E6%98%9F%E7%A9%B9%E9%93%81%E9%81%93&ga=1
I cant login because I dont have a microsoft account.
thanks homie
What exactly do i do for this to work? I have downloaded everything but nothing works and stuff still missing.
you may be missing other mods than just those but it's difficult to tell without a screenshot. i advise you update all your mods, just in case (easy enough if you use BR mod manager).
Hair is missing but the game doesnt say any missing mods
https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/108674466 感谢我吧
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