Source used: 1. https://db.bepis.moe/koikatsu/view/173066 2. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/79271294 3. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/95399586 material skin: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/109867092 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/99514213 (it is character which I used the chara skin material) Club activity uniform: https://db.bepis.moe/kkclothing/view/17171 character info Her special skill is kicking and since becoming buffed, now can punching, lifting; Her hobby is muscle training; Her weaknesses are improvisation and that she can't swim; Her favorite type of man is "I'm not really sure" and she dislikes slaves owners; She enjoys spending her days off on training with Masrur and on self improvement; She is worried about what she has to do to become even stronger even despite her body is already too powerful; Her favorite food is fish and she dislikes corn; She dislikes loneliness; Her birthdate is April 17; The person she is interested in is Masrur, because they're both Fanalis; Her most important property is her Household Vessel; It's hard for Morgiana to do delicate tasks (like lifting dominoes up carefully), that's why she’s not good at cooking. She gets frustrated measuring things precisely so she ends up just measuring things by eye; According to Alibaba, Morgiana is a sound sleeper; Morgiana does not wear any undergarments and since her body becoming too powerful and massive , she is no longer concerned dressed indecent or being naked, because it is becoming difficult finding cloth for her size as she's growing bigger. People are now intimidated easily at her body and she is too confident and too proud showing off her body, a trait that has developed during her self improvement process. Character info source: https://magi.fandom.com/wiki/Morgiana#Trivia