Sharon Esther Spitz
Sharon Spitz from the Braceface tv show I can not say wich eyebrows looks better so i just upload both versions. Version 1 (Classic i guess hard to say)
Love your take on the character she looks great. I think this version is the best of the 2 👍
Thank you again, hard to say actally. The show looks so weird, even in Animation, and she was kind of hard to transmit her to Koikatsu properly.
i bet that it was hard to transmit her to KK ^^ but i knew directly that she was Sharon before seeing that's it's actually her so imo it proves you made a great job :)
Good, i am never sure about that kind of thing. I hardly knew this Charakter bevore i transmited her. I just saw a picture of sharon and thought, "well that should be fun:"
Thank you! There is a severe lack of cards with braces and Braceface is an A-lister addition.
For good reason tho, it is hard to make. pretty sure some expressions will be looking weird. And i tried to avoid that allready