March 7th

Only HF Patch is required
cant load shaders
Very nice :O
@erdemli710 - You'll need to download KKUTS shader. Although, it should be included in HF Patch these days. Are you loading the card into Sunshine? I know one of the recent HF Patch updates broke a bunch of shaders. Don't know if this ever got fixed lol
@xerneas - Thank you very much! I really appreciate it :) link to ceotls march 7
@unknown - I actually tried to use Cetol's March mod, but the hair wasn't displaying properly. Don't know if anyone else had the same issue. So this is why I went with Makise's heres is the plugin to fix it.
Is this a paywall?
^ Nope, I never paywall my content :)
@unknown Could you share other cetol's cards?
Looks like the most recent HF Patch v3.21 has broken KKUTS and KKUSS shaders. Downloading the KKUSS shader from will fix the issue with both shaders.
You'll then need to delete out the file [nharuka]KKUSSv1.10 zipmod that's currently in the mods\Sideloader Modpack - KK_MaterialEditor folder
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