Peni Parker

With the Across The Spider-verse newest trailer came out, i have an urge to share this although Peni won't be appear in the sequel movie. ORIGINALY & edited from Pixiv 74181213 & 74830947, i add a Japanese bloomer outfit for the gym slot, Schoolswimsuit (with ペニー written on it), American Cheerleader in the Club Activity slot, a slutty outfit for Casual slot, & a bubble outfit as a bonus outfit slot.
Anyway, check out my profile for more card contents. 🙏 Sorry, I have disabled the comments due to spammers. Remember, folks: it's not a stolen card if you mentioned the original source. 😉
Update: Someone made a BETTER Peni! Check Bepis 309567 (KKSunshine). This is not a paid promotion, i simply want to share AWESOME works. 👍
Converted into Sunshine version by Thomas Maxwell:
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