Souta Hynes
Souta Hynes lives a normal life gong to school and hanging out with his 3 childhood friends Fubuki, Yurika, and Yuma The only down side to his life is that when he was younger he lost his eye sight while saving his childhood frindes. That havent stop him from living life. He's there when ever his friends need him. He's top of the school in grades and is loved by all. But lately hes been feeling there something off about his friends. Maybe it just him.
- Uploader
- kirino22
- Download Count
- 838
- Date Uploaded
- 3/19/2023 4:12:09AM
- Gender
- Male
- Personality
- Sexy
- Game Type
- Base
- Contains modded content
- Yes
- Author history
- - Anonymous - Kirino22