Hanako Valentinovna
(Character) Race: Raviat Personality: Mother Figure Blood Type: AB Birthday: 5th of August Club: None Height: 172.5cm Weight: 202kg (445,33lb) Body type: Plump Age: 25 Hair: Right Purple Color, Left Light Green Color, Heterochromia Eyes: Natural Pink Color (Sexual Tastes) Erogenous Zone: Breast, Lips, Belly Ok: Kissing Not Ok: Rough Groping, Anal, Vibrators, Condomless Virgin. (Like) Take care, Take care of animals, Cook, Drive a car, Traver. (I do not like) Unknown. (Questions) Questions - yes Fond of animals? Enjoys eating? Enjoys cooking? Studious? Eats spicy food? Has a sweet tooth? Questions - no Play sport? Fashionable? Drinks coffee straigt? (Quirks) Small bladder, Loves Reading, Loves Music, Passive, Fastidious, Oblivious, Solitary, Friendly. (Family) Sister Agatha, Unknown. (Childhood) Unknown. (Hobby) Likes to tinker with cars and cook. (Personality) Unknown. (Peculiarities) Unknown.
- 上载者
- Berlnshtarn
- 下载数
- 333
- 上传日期
- 1/4/2023 11:43:35 AM
- 淘汰了
- 295999
- 被淘汰
- 298356
- 性别
- 女
- 性格
- Motherly
- 游戏种类
- Steam 18+
- Contains modded content
- Yes
- Author history
- - Baladibalai - Anonymous - Baladibalai - Berlnshtarn - Anonymous