
I made this card long time ago, is the last card that i made for KK before moving to HS2. It is based of a comic image made by Flick the thief on Deviant Art, i saw it on reddit first though. Mostly the one with tanktop. A squat basically is a dwarf in Warhammer, i made her of the size of a dwarf of D&D 150cm or 4feets. Author Deviant Art: https://www.deviantart.com/flick-the-thief/art/Squat-chan-917087893 Reddit Reference: https://old.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/comments/uo8iqv/squat_girl_by_flick/
Pixiv Preview: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/103320877
Kenzato Booru preview: https://kenzato.uk/booru/image/GEeEt0
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