Natsuki Umino

Edited from Pixiv 97612586, HOWEVER that version is a male card (but when you load it, it's using a female body mod). So anyway i was fascinated by the summer festive / Natsu Matsuri outfit, it made me want to edit it. However, the headband is from Senran Kagura (Bepis 108577). And i add two Taiko drumsticks, because i want to reimagined her as a tomboy girl who participate in Natsumatsuri as a Taiko Drummer.
Also, if you want to make her as a trap, just add a dick & balls in the character maker. Her outfit is basically boyish anyway.
Holy moly, this "plain" kid finally got 1000 Downloads? Thank you so much for you all. Also, apparently someone add the Trans & Transgender tag? That's okay, because as i mentioned above, you can make Natsuki into a Trap / Femboy. Just enjoy Natsuki as you like. 🙏
(Sorry, the internet was lagging so i made multiple comments. 😅)
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