Ryza, nicknamed "Empress" by her friends, is a fun-loving fitness instructor with a lively, outgoing disposition. The specific variant of insect her genome is based on is the Tarantula Hawk Wasp, lending her among other things a vicious, daggerlike stinger capable of inflicting some of the worst pain that one can experience. Naturally, she tends to put a bit of cork on the tip of her stinger when she feels she can't keep track of where it is at all times, like in busy crowds. A strong segmented exoskeleton of a carapace conceals dense, iron-like cords and bands of muscle and sinew; she is far, far stronger than her frame would suggest because of this. She dislikes excess clothing, seeing as her carapace already covers everything that could be construed as nakedness; like a firm yet bendy leotard that provides extreme freedom of movement. A kind and outgoing friend, who tries to get people to come out of their shell, up until she isn't a friend. Up until she's angry, or is wronged. Then she is extremely unfriendly, in the most vicious of fashions.
- Uploader
- Ass-Haggis
- Download Count
- 1384
- Date Uploaded
- 6/30/2022 2:34:28PM
- Gender
- Female
- Personality
- Tomboy
- Game Type
- Base
- Contains modded content
- Yes
- Author history
- - [Unknown] - Ass-Haggis