Spitroast Threesome

Ohh didn't disabled Comments... that's rare for Bepis Thiefs... that scene is not Yours and btw. timeline is just a scam xD for people who were thinking about downloading it... that's just fake "camera timeline" no actual animation
Hi Chaos! So what makes you think I'm not the author of this scene? I even added the source in the comments... And about the timeline, it's true that I have some scenes with just the camera being animated. This was something I used to do. But if that were the case, I would tag "fake_timeline" as I have done with others. But that's not the case in this scene. I believe the reason you can't play the animation correctly is because some mod is missing. I tested it here and played normally.
kiaps based thank you for tagging ! and being honest
Ahh well You see... if You leave "camera animation" on Timeline Bepis thinks that Your scene indeed have animation, i checked 4 of Your first scenes You uploaded and all of them had just camera animations :P I indeed need to say that this time I too just checked what Bepis says, but after Your words I decided to download that scene too just to make sure that Animation is not there... and well to my suprise... there is animation... So I have to apologize... I'm sorry for assuming that all Your animations have fake animation :D You should tho keep in mind that many people are following what Bepis detects and there is even check box to filter only Scenes containing Timeline Aniamtion :x...
No problem and yeah, I'm aware of that. There are also scenes of mine that have a timeline animation, but Bepis doesn't detect it. Example: "https://db.bepis.moe/kkscenes/view/69853". I believe this occurred because the interpolables are all inside groups. But these scenes are very old, and my new scenes will probably not have these problems, since I don't use interpolable groups anymore, and due to a new camera plugin, I don't need to use timeline to set the camera correctly.
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