Bonney's Punishment.

Edited from my scene card (Bepis 068377). This scene, is 100% my creation. I arranged the cameramen positions, i add the map area, the water effect, the blue sky with rotation effect, the mob characters in the background, Marine's ship, & i include a small dock as well. Bonney's pose (as well as the mob men's pose) is actually a COMBINATION of FK & IK buttons, so you can arrange their arms & legs position AND arrange their neck tilts too. Just save the pose if you want to have fun with it. Of course, feel free to edit this scene as you like. Sorry I have disabled the comments due to spammers. Remember, folks: it's not a stolen card if you mentioned the original source. Check out my profile for more card contents. 😉❤
For missing mods, please visit: or install KK Patch. Obviously you can replace Bonney with any other characters (L0L1 or n0t), mwahahahaha~ ❤😈❤
Marine men is from here: created by Heckoi.
Bonney is a mixed edits of Bepis 238769 & Bepis 152531.
Also, KaosKatsu made a BETTER Bonney -------->
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