"Party" In The Classroom. ❤

Actually, this scene is ORIGINALLY & edited from a scene card that was created by Anon_2232, it was a scene of a terrified Chika, facing the infamous "Scary C0ck Shadow" (you know, that one meme). The character's head in that scene card is modded, thus i can't share the character card anyway, But i did modify the scene & her pose, & add more characters to make it kinky as hell. Feel free to edit this scene how you like. If you want to use Chika's pose without the modded Chika, save the pose, then delete that Chika, & use a new Chika or any character you want (adjustment is inevitable, LMAO). Sorry I have disabled the comments due to spammers. Remember, folks: it's not a stolen card if you mentioned the original source. Check out my profile for more card contents. 😉❤
Anon_2232's profile in Bepis: https://db.bepis.moe/user/view/8
Anon_2232's profile in Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/6385084
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