Faux Frieren

Hi, I have had some problems with the use of the card, everything loads great but the face seems to fail to stay as a white mask. When searching I have seen that you recommend the use of the DBLin western face mod, but I can't find it anywhere, what can I do?
i have found out it's impossible to find unless you're on the discord community. I dont know what I'm allowed to post here (links-wise), but if you get into illusion discord you can get more help :)
geez, and now I can't find the discord link through googling... ok, see the discord icon at the top of the website screen? Join BepisDB discord, then go to their "other-servers" channel, and the Illision soft discord invite link is there.
sorry for not posting directly, i just dont want to get in trouble. Yes i have anxiety issues :0
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