
The internet says thicc-thigh kobolds are a thing, so I made one! Pair her with my shortstack goblin for added effect. This was a very difficult card to make, for obvious reasons. I had to do a lot of testing, as for some reason her eyes liked to pop out of her head while doing oral positions. I`ve *mostly* fixed that now. Her tail sometimes flops about in odd ways; if you ant to prevent this, go into the accessory under Adjust and select Rigid, then move it back into the correct position. I prefer having it flexible, despite the occasional issues.
Kobolds are a small-statured dragonoid race. They possess sharp talons, dextrous fingers, and thick, powerful lower bodies, adapted to leap great distances and to chase down prey. They usually travel in packs, but sometimes a female will separate from the group and seek more amiable surroundings.
The lone kobold will wander until she finds a member of another race, usually something stronger than herself such as a human. She will then study them from afar, learning their language and customs, as well as taking measure of their personality. The kobold`s goal is to insinuate herself as a servant or a pet, so if she finds a kind individual - or at least a strong one who is unlikely to be cruel - she will learn what traits are most lovable to her prospective master. She will then steal or fashion herself an outfit to suit what she thinks will be most adored by that person, usually based on what they think is ``cute`` or ``sweet``.
Once she is ready, she will approach her chosen master. Reports of the manner of approach vary; in some cases, the it is a timid haunting of the outskirts, a lonely creature at the edge of the firelight soliciting pity. Others have reported waking up to find a previously unseen pajama-clad dragonoid curled up against them in bed as if she belonged there. Regardless, if her master accepts her, she will imprint herself upon them.
Imprinted kobolds are hard-working, faithful, and fiercely defensive of their master. The only time they ask anything for themselves is in the case of their offspring; usually they will wish to deliver eggs or hatchlings into the care of the nearest band of wild kobolds, knowing that their offspring are unlikely to share their amiable disposition.
Kirpa has been studying you for some time. She has obtained an ill-fitting sailor costume somewhere - best not to ask where - and wears a collar that she almost certainly stole from someone`s dog. She looks up at you, gold eyes shining with affection, in the hope that you will open your home to her. In return, she promises to love and obey you until the end of her days.
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