Tamigurk K'rangoth

Ogres are best known as big, violent brutes. The reputation is honestly earned, but there's another side to ogres, one that only the bravest of humans can experience. Tamigurk is on her Gish-na Kroll Sukdah - in common, this means something like "romantic walkabout," although there is a nuance that doesn't quite come through in the translation. She is eager to challenge hapless adventurers, not to steal their lives and coin, but rather in the hopes of being bested, defeated by a warrior who will make a suitable mate.
Upon finding a suitable partner, she will engage in courtship. This courtship will be very physical, but also surprisingly emotional; despite valuing strength above all, ogres have long recognized that a happy pairing produces a better result. Stronger bonds, stronger clan.
Should her chosen mate best her brawn and connect with her heart, she will most likely return with them to her clan. It is not unheard of for an ogre on her Gish-na Kroll to remain with her mate instead, however. Such females are considered emissaries, responsible for establishing new clans or securing trade. The Dwarves in particular are welcoming to ogre emissaries, but the lands of Elf and Man have yet to see past their fearsome countenance, and hold long grudges.
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